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Sunday, May 24, 2020 at 8:45 AM to 9:45 AM EST
20076 County Road 36, Goshen, IN, 46526, United States
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Please select one ticket for each person in your family. NOTE: Your tickets will be emailed to you within 5-10 minutes after you complete your order. Please understand, by selecting these tickets and attending our in-person service you are assuming all risks. Grace Community Church will not be held responsible if you or a person in your family come in contact with someone that has the COVID-19 virus.
Grace Community Church, 20076 County Road 36, Goshen, IN, 46526, United States.
Per the Governor’s guidelines, we will open for in-person services next Sunday, May 10. For now, as we transition back into in-person ministry, we will only be opening up our building on Sundays for ministry. Open Gym, the Park, Wednesday Night, and other ministries will still not meet in person at the building for the time being.
We understand that many may not feel ready to come back on Sundays, and that is totally okay. We recognize that many have underlying health concerns that may put them in a higher risk group, or they may just want to be cautious in this unusual time we are living. We will continue to provide online services at 8:45, 10:15, and 11:45 as we have been so you can stay connected and interact with one of our pastors from your home.
We are excited that small groups can now start meeting as well up to groups of 25! Many in our church can’t wait to get back together with their small group. More than ever, you should really consider joining a small group if you’re not currently in one.
We will be gathering volunteers to serve in Children, Greeting, and Sanitary Ministries. Please jump in and serve so we can continue to meet in person.
We need to sit in a way that honors the social distancing guideline of 6 ft separation. We have laid out our church and have determined that if we use our North Auditorium, South Auditorium, High School Auditorium, and Middle School Auditorium we can have room available for 700+ people total in one service at a time and sit separated. In time, we will also open up kids’ ministry areas and limit the number of children in each room to promote as much space and safety as we can. Married couples and families can place chairs together will allow for more seating.
In addition, people we will offer FM radio listening in the south Parking lot for those that would rather not meet in person but long to meet with others in cars. You will still need to practice 6-ft distancing regulations.
Some will not be able or want to attend, and they can continue to watch online. Some may want to gather with their small group to watch the service, and that’s a great option. Many will want to be able to come worship with us in our building! We hear you! We cannot wait either. We have a plan to accommodate as many as we safely can. But we do have some new normal practices that we will follow to make this the best worship experience possible for all of us.
It will be different than what you’re accustomed to. On Wednesday at 6pm, we will open up on our website a chance to reserve your seat for Sunday. Since we have such a limited number of seats, we need to do it this way so more people don’t show up Sunday than are allowed—we want to avoid turning people away at the door as much as we can. You’ll be able to sign up for one of those 4 auditoriums and can print your “ticket” to bring with you on Sunday which will give you instructions on which door to enter and exit and what auditorium to attend. Once the maximum number of tickets is taken for an auditorium, it’ll be considered full.
Our goal is to open our children’s ministry as soon as we responsibly can. We hope to have children ministries ready to go May 17th or May 24th, so stay tuned for those updates. Once we open Kid City and Tiny Town, you’ll want to sign up your kids online as well if you plan to check them into kid’s ministry as those spots will be limited per the guidelines as well.
Until we roll out kid’s ministries, we will provide some of our auditoriums as “family” environments. Parents with children not yet in school will be asked to sit in the Middle School Auditorium. Parents with children who are in school will be asked to sit in High School Auditorium. (However, be mindful of other people if your kiddo is being distracting and step outside if needed.) Adults, teens, and parents with children in 4th grade or older will be able to sit in the North and South Auditoriums. Young children are NOT encouraged in our North and South Auditorium as this is where we will continue to film our services for our online services and want to limit distractions.
When you sign up for your ticket, you’ll get instructions on which parking lot and entrance to use. This will help us safely enter and leave the building following the guidelines we have been given. 1st and 3rd services will park in the WEST parking lot, and 2nd service will park in the NORTH parking lot.
There won’t be time in between services to meet and talk with each other inside the building. Because of our limited number of people in our building at a time, we will need to escort one group of people out before we can allow the next service of people in; and we will also need to do some sanitizing in between services as well. Once you are outside, you can feel free to see people and visit with each other in a safe social distancing manner.
We will not hand out bulletins, and the offering buckets will not be passed, BUT we will have drop places to receive your offering.
If you are coming for the next service, we ask that you wait in your car, or by your car safely, until you’re instructed to be able to enter. We will bring you in as soon as we can.
Bring your own coffee! The cafe´ will not be open at this time.
If you have any symptoms of sickness, please stay home.
Please sanitize your hands as you enter the building.
Feel free to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable wearing one.
Avoid contact with other people while in our building.
We know this is different...The goal of all of this is so that we can continue to meet without causing an outbreak.
Signing up for your printed ticket will also serve as a waiver that states that Grace Community Church is not responsible for the possibility of you being infected with the virus. Yes we will be vigilant in our efforts to follow all the regulations set forward by our Governor and will do our very best to keep our building germ-free so that this doesn’t happen, but you’re responsible for your own choice to be around people.
We reserve the right to make the necessary changes that line up with new information that continues to come forth.
Please be flexible and pray that Jesus is exalted in this transition time!
Cancellation policy Parking/Entrance instructions: 8:45AM & 11:45AM - Park in the North lot and enter through the North foyer doors. 10:15AM - Park in the West lot and enter through the West foyer doors. NOTE: Please be on time. We can only hold your seat for 10 minutes. After that, we will release it to someone else who may be waiting for a seat.
Parking/Entrance instructions: 8:45AM & 11:45AM - Park in the North lot and enter through the North foyer doors. 10:15AM - Park in the West lot and enter through the West foyer doors.
NOTE: Please be on time. We can only hold your seat for 10 minutes. After that, we will release it to someone else who may be waiting for a seat.
At Grace Community, we are continuously striving for relationships that build a strong community and help us grow in our love for Jesus.
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